Please submit up to 5 critical essays, academic papers, and/or book reviews in .doc, .docx, or pdf file formats. If you are a  member of the Signet staff, limit your submission to 3 pieces. If submitting multiple pieces, submit them as separate documents. Do not include names on the manuscript. Please limit manuscript length to 5000 words or below. You must be a Queens University of Charlotte student, alumni, faculty or staff member in order to submit.

Please avoid submitting in .pdf form if possible, as it can cause the formatting of your piece to be lost in the transfer to the magazine.

Like Signet Literary Magazine on Facebook and follow on Instagram: @signet_queens

Please submit up to 5 pieces in .doc, .docx, or pdf file formats. If you are a member of the Signet staff, limit your submission to 3 pieces. If submitting multiple pieces, submit them as separate documents. Do not include names on the manuscript. Please limit manuscript length to 5000 words or below. You must be a Queens University of Charlotte student, alumni, faculty, or staff member in order to submit.

Please avoid submitting in .pdf form if possible, as it can cause the formatting of your story to be lost in the transfer to the magazine.

Like Signet Literary Magazine on Facebook and follow on Instagram @signet_queens

Accepting all forms of nonfiction writing, including (but not limited to): personal essays, academic essays, and creative nonfiction.

Please submit up to 5 pieces in .doc, .docx, or pdf file formats. If you are a member of the Signet staff, limit your submission to 3 pieces. If submitting multiple pieces, submit them as separate documents. Do not include names on the manuscript.  Please limit manuscript length to 5000 words or below. You must be a Queens University of Charlotte student, alumni, faculty, or staff member in order to submit.

Please avoid submitting in .pdf form if possible, as it can cause the formatting of your piece to be lost in the transfer to the magazine.

Like Signet Literary Magazine on Facebook and follow on Instagram @signet_queens

Please submit up to 5 pieces in .doc, .docx, or pdf file formats. If you are a member of the Signet staff, limit your submission to 3 pieces. If submitting multiple pieces, please submit them as separate documents. Please do not include names on the manuscript. You must be a Queens University of Charlotte student, alumni, faculty, or staff member in order to submit.

For poems especially, please avoid submitting in .pdf form if possible, as it can cause the formatting of your poems to be lost in the transfer to the magazine.

Like Signet Literary Magazine on Facebook and follow on Instagram @signet_queens

Please submit up to 5 pieces either as .jpg, .png, .pdf, or .tiff files. Make sure submissions are 300 dpi resolution. If you are a member of the Signet staff, limit your submission to 3 pieces. If submitting multiple pieces, please submit them separately. Include your medium, ex. sculpture, paint on canvas, etc. Do not include names on submissions. You must be a Queens University of Charlotte student, alumni, faculty or staff member in order to submit.

Image submissions must adhere to the following guidelines for consideration:

  • File format: JPG, PDF, or PNG
  • Color mode: CMYK
  • Minimum image resolution:
    • Landscape images: 1500 x 1200 pixels
    • Portrait images: 1500 x 2100 pixels
    • Square images: 1500 x 1500 pixels 

Like Signet Literary Magazine on Facebook and follow on Instagram @signet_queens

Please submit up to 5 pieces of original music, songs, spoken word poetry, or spoken prose, either as .mp3, .m4a, .wav, or .mp4 files. We also accept videos! If you are a member of the Signet staff, limit your submission to 3 pieces. If submitting multiple pieces, submit them as separate documents. Do not include names. You must be a Queens University of Charlotte student, alumni, faculty or staff member in order to submit.

Like Signet Literary Magazine on Facebook and follow on Instagram: @signet_queens

Unsure which of the submission categories your work falls in to? Submit your work here to have it included in the Miscellaneous section of the magazine! Please note that due to the printed nature of Signet, not all forms of work can physically be included in the magazine, but we will try our best to include your efforts in some shape or form!

Submit up to 5 pieces of work, either as .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .tiff, .mp3, .m4a, .wav, or .mp4 files. If you are a member of the Signet staff, limit your submission to 3 pieces. If submitting multiple pieces, submit them as separate documents. Do not include names on your submissions. You must be a Queens University of Charlotte student, alumni, faculty or staff member in order to submit.

Like Signet Literary Magazine on Facebook and follow on Instagram: @signet_queens
